Introducing the New MBWRA Facebook Page

I know I’ve said this beforefacebook-388078_1280, but I’m going to say it again- I’m overwhelmed by the feedback I keep getting from you guys. You’ve stuck with me, even through the times when life got hectic and I went MIA. Thank you so, so much.

I realized recently that it’s time to expand. I want to grow this community, hear from more voices (because I’m getting a little sick of hearing just myself talk), and send as much awareness as possible out into the world. So, My Battle with RA now has it’s own Facebook page!

I realize that I’m probably more excited about this than any of you are. I’m not offended, really. But I’m happy that I can provide a new space for discussion besides this blog, and I hope to continue growing and expanding. The page is brand new and looks a little empty right now, but that will change.

I hope you will come join me! Find the new Facebook page here.

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